The Benefits of Rosehip Oil: The Andes’ Worst Kept Secret

Rosa Mosqueta or rosehip seed oil is L-Beauty’s worst-kept secret, from the Chilean Andes – one of the biggest but still lesser known beauty botanical powerhouse spots in the world. It’s been used for centuries by the Chilean Mapuche Indigenous people in the Araucana region, and passed down through generations to heal things like skin burns.
It has an interesting history too: Thought used for hundreds of years in South America, it was “re-discovered” by Chilean engineer, who noticed that pigs – who were eating loads of this rosehip fruit – had incredibly healthy and smooth skin and through his research found the powerful healing properties of the seed oil – and that’s when a new skincare legend was born. We would say it’s the Ande’s best kept secret, but all of our abuelitas were in on it. So it’s really our worst kept secret.
So what are rosehip seed oil or rosa mosqueta’s benefits?
Anti-inflammatory: Ingredients like vitamin E calms the skin and helps folks with inflammatory skin issues like eczema and even acne.
Helps Even Skin: The high Vitamin C content helps reduce manchas, or hyperpigmentation, in the skin – particularly as we age. Latinas are also very prone to dark spots, which is likely why our ancestors loved this serum so much.
Has Regenerative Properties: The pigs weren’t lying. The high concentration of Vitamin A, B and K means this oil has the capacity to heal and regenerate skin tissues, which is exactly what the engineering team in Chile found with the pack of pigs.
It’s a Powerful Moisturizer: Rosehip oil is very lush in texture, and you’ll certainly fee this when you coat it on your skin. This is thanks to its various fatty acids.
The generations before us knew what they were doing.
If you want to give this powerful seed oil a try, take 30% off our 100% organic from Chile Vamigas rosehip oil right now with the code VAMIGAS30.