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Here From LATV? 20 Ways to Know You’re In Your Señora Era
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Here From LATV? 20 Ways to Know You’re In Your Señora Era

It’s a brat señora summer!

Credit: Alejandra Sone

If you’re here today it’s probably because you saw me on LATV – welcome! you’re probably wondering, what’s the señora meaning? What’s this meme? Wait, am I a señora? What’s the señora age?

A señora is whatever you want it to be, baby. She’s a brat. She’s a lover. She’s a mom. She’s unhinged. She’s calm. She can love whomever she wants. She’s a Latina or non-Latina. She identifies however she wants to.

Here are top 20 ways you’ll know if you’re in your señora era.

  1. You’re all about cozy: You prioritize comfort over fashion, opting for cozy clothes and practical shoes.
  2. Earlier zzz’s: You find yourself going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, appreciating a good night’s sleep, and the extra calm you can get early morning.
  3. Noise makes you feel cranky: You prefer quieter, more peaceful environments over loud and crowded places.
  4. You’re in your wellness era: You become more aware of your health, making regular check-ups and healthier eating a priority. You may even buy fun gadgets and beauty tools like ice rollers for the face, that help you wind down in the evening.
  5. You’re suddenly watching your spending: You focus on saving and investing more, thinking about long-term financial stability (except when you go to Target lol)
  6. You love your home sweet casita: You spend more time and effort on home improvement and gardening.
  7. You think a lot about your 20s: You often reminisce about the past, enjoying old photos, music, and movies from your younger years.
  8. It’s all about amiguis : You place more value on close, meaningful relationships rather than a large social circle.
  9. More señora walks: You try to walk a few times a week, because it makes you feel good and clearas your head.
  10. You’re a slow princesa: You find yourself moving and doing things at a slower, more deliberate pace.
  11. Increased Patience: You develop more patience and tolerance, handling situations with greater calmness. Or you just DGAF because you know life is short, and there are more important things to think about.
  12. You don’t care about trends that much: You care less about keeping up with the latest trends and more about what makes you happy.
  13. You love the solita life: You appreciate alone time and find it refreshing and necessary for your well-being.
  14. You have a couple of new aches: You notice that your knees hurt more than they did last year.
  15. You have new hobbies: You take up or spend more time on hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation, and that you would have never seen yourself doing before – like gardening, or baking or even things like embroidery.
  16. You’re more of a baddy: You make decisions based on experience and wisdom rather than impulse, like a true badass.
  17. You’re into minimalism: You aim to simplify your life, decluttering and focusing on what truly matters.
  18. You’re more into books: You find yourself reading more books and articles, enjoying the depth and relaxation they offer.
  19. Work is not your entire life: You still work hard, and want to accomplish your career goals, but you also strive for a balanced lifestyle, valuing work-life balance and personal well-being over hustle culture, because you know burnout is real.
  20. Sense of Contentment: You feel a sense of contentment and acceptance of where you are in life, embracing the present moment. It feels good.

These señora signs can vary from person to person, but collectively they indicate a shift towards a more relaxed, reflective, and slower life.

See Also

Step into your Radical Señora Era by signing up to grab our upcoming book,  Radical Señora Era: Ancestral Latin American Secrets for a Happier, Healthier Life.

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