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Our Latest Cafecito Obsession: Cafe Cubano
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Our Latest Cafecito Obsession: Cafe Cubano

We have been reading more and more about the Cafe Cubano, a marvelous and time-honored way in Cuba of making the most delicious cafecito, that involves special espresso beans, espuma, and lots and lots of sugar. Tons. If Miami is one of your favorite spots, you’ll likely recognize this frothy staple.

So what is a Cafe Cubano? Jamie Silva over at Sassy Spoon says it’s a huge part of her Cuban heritage, ordered after every meal, as desert, or shared with a friend. That’s the way we like our cafe too.

You generally need a dark espresso and a good staple is to use Cafe Bustelo, whose yellow and red coffee cans you have probably seen at some abuelita’s house. You’ll also need a Moka Pot, which is a stove-top or electric coffee maker that brews coffee by passing boiling water pressurized by steam through ground coffee. It seems to take a bit, but the end result is a rich, tasty treat that will seriously fire up your entire day.

Here are some delicious recipes we found by our newest favorite Latina foodies:

A Sassy Spoon

My Big Fat Cuban Family

Marta has the most amazing cafecito inspo, but she gives a deliciously detailed recipe for making a Cafe Cubano also on her blog.

See Also
how to make yogurt at home

Food & Wine / Lourdes Castro

Even Food & Wine is in on the action, with Lourdes Castro giving an excellent quick rundown of the entire process.

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