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Almond Butter Choco Protein Shake? Sign Me Up
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Almond Butter Choco Protein Shake? Sign Me Up

It’s Spring and the weather is getting warmer, which means you’re probably trading in your oatmeal for an icy cool protein shake to get your proper macros for the day, or for a quick snack that will satisfy your appetite for hours.

What’s great about protein shakes is that there are so many recipe variations that if you make sure to try different ones, you are not likely to ever get bored. These days, we have even been adding a shot of espresso to our shake drinks.

Here are some of our favorite protein shake recipes we found across the Latinx web.

Creamy Almond Butter, Spinach, Banana Smoothie by @EverydayLatina

This smoothie recipe specializes in creamy and smoothness, with banana giving it that gorgeous, refreshing yellow color, and then adds flax meal and spinach as nutritious-packed superfood. Gemma at @EverydayLatina suggests to add unflavored protein powder so that it doesn’t overpower the taste of the drink. She also shares a protein shake especially great for lactating mamas.

Horchata Protein

Annesa at Seeking Sunshine has a delicious and creative Horchata protein shake. Horchata – as many of you know – is a creamy and refreshing drink from Mexico. This drink is really easy and perfect for a new mom, which is what Annesa also is. It’s simply vanilla, banana, cinnamon, nutmeg, and protein powder. It’s a refreshing addition to your upcoming sunny summer days.


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Easy Protein Packed Strawberry Banana Chocolate Chia Breakfast Shake Recipe

This Latina Mom Meals recipe mixes chocolate and chia, two of our very favorite ingredients. The strawberry adds a little bit of tanginess and they just go so well with chocolate flavors! This gives you a chance to try that chocolate-flavored protein powder in your pantry. Plus, the flaxseed add a healthy spike for your gut, and a little bit of crunchiness too.

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