5 Latinx-Owned Healthy Food Finds

Cooking healthy and nutritious food for yourself and your family is so much easier if you plan ahead. We like to meal prep veggies and grains like quinoa (which is from the Andes!) on Sunday or Monday to leave the refrigerator full of healthy, good food for the week. That way, when we are running around on a busy day, with an angry baby and work deadlines, we can quickly cook some protein and throw stuff on a plate that will make us feel good after eating it – it plus tastes great.
Luckily there are several brands created by Latinx entrepreneurs that will help you give your week a compete glow up. Here are just some of our favorites:
Siete Family Foods
Veronica Garza, from Texas, created this delicious, hearty grain-free tortilla line after switching to low-inflammation, grain free diet because of her own health issues. Her whole family followed along in her health journey, and they even opened up their own workout studio. Flours include Casava, almond flour and coconut flour.
Fresh Bellies
Run by one of our friends and colleagues, Saskia Sorrosa, Fresh Bellies (freshbellies.com) just launched Groovies, savory snacks based in Sorghum, with vegetables like mushroom or beet, and seasoned with herbs and spices, with only 8 ingredients. No cheesy coating, preservatives or “secret sugars” like fruity goop. Originally from Ecuador, she was raised to eat pureed versions of what the adults were having, like ceviche and sancocho soup. Groovies include Turn Up The Beet™, Shroomtastic, Broc N’ Roll and Rosemary’s Carrot. All of their baked (not fried!) pre-schooler snacks have just eight simple, non-GMO verified and Kosher certified ingredients or less.
An incredible line of seasonings like Adobo and Sofrito, Loisa’s founders are from Dominican Republic, Peru and France. The team, which also includes the chef behind Happy Healthy Latina, decided to get to work after having a hard time finding seasonings without MSG’s and artificial ingredients. It’s the next thing after drying and making your own!
Salud de Paloma
When Rosa Rios Valdez’ mother died from diabetes in 1989, she says it changed her life. She completely switched to cooking with olive oil, after learning that it was used in Mexican cultures for medicinal purposes thanks to its high Vitamin E content, and learning that olive oil helps lower blood pressure and support heart health. Her family made the switch, and no one was stricken with the same illness that took their mom. Her line, Salud de Paloma is the only olive oil owned by a Latina.

Brizo is a pasta sauce, marinade, salad dressing, bread dip and more made out of just lemons, herbs, spices, and with no carbs or sugar. Its founder, Vivie, started the preservative-free brand after the healthy pasta sauce she made for her family started to be used as dip for pizza, and salad dressing.